Saturday, March 29, 2008

The "Six Degrees of Un-Separation" Project

UPDATE: The Project welcomes TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI, MARYLAND, DELAWARE?? (I can't quite tell.... could be NEW JERSEY or CONNECTICUT), NORTH (or maybe SOUTH?) CAROLINA, OHIO (possibly PENNSYLVANIA depending on what side of the state), WASHINGTON (possibly OREGON--it's hard to tell on the map), and CANADA. Canada deserves a special shout out as the first non-US country. Can the Universe deliver Europe? Well, that's really not such a tall order for an amazing Universe, is it? So, I say yes it can! Bring on Europe!

Something very, very SPLENDID (That's for you, Kuj!) happened today. I asked for what I wanted, and I got it. It was so cool, that I want to do it again. Can y'all help me out?

The Backstory: Some people spend spring break in the Caribbean. Some spend it in the Hawaiian Islands. I spent my spring break getting dental work done and romping with preschoolers in germ-filled McDonald’s playland tubes while I slowly regained the use of my Novocain-frozen face-- which is almost certainly why I have spent the past two days suffering from what I think is, in all likelihood, the bird flu. (And not even a cool bird like the red-tailed hawk or peregrine falcon, either. Probably just a common crow with a cough.)

But there is good to be found in anything, right? Even in foul fowl flu.
(Hang on--I need to pause while I appreciate the alliteration and homonymy in the last three sentences. Annnnnnnnnnnnnd, I’m done.)

The flu has, in fact, brought me three WONDERFUL things:

1. Karla with a K and her generous offer of a novel. I hope you are feelin’ the love right now, Karla, because I am sending it your way! I love you AND your Captain Morgan. (See my comment in the previous post.)

2. The first time I have had alone with my husband in the seven months since our last child was born. Sure, I was dripping snot and moaning in delirium, but my mother offered to take the children away from our disease ridden home for the night, so I think that counts as a date!

3. The time to figure out how to put a cluster map on my blog (scroll down to the map of the world on the right hand side). This map puts little red dots at the location of every reader who looks at my site.

This last item brings me to my next point. You know how they say the universe will give you what you want if you just ask for it? This is what I am asking for:

Universe, I would like a virtual (not viral-- I have had enough of that, thanks) spring break. I want to see the world represented in little red dots. I want my little cluster map to be filled with dots on every continent. I want to see South America, South Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Pacific atolls, the French Riviera, Ireland, Bali, Austria, Thailand—you name it, I want to see it dotted on my map! Heck, I want to see New York City and Seattle. I want to experience Alaska! I want to see the North AND the South Pole. I want to see Egypt and Ecuador and Arkansas. I want the Dakotas! I want Canada and Cuba and Costa Rica. I want Washington D.C. and Paris and Berlin and Moscow. I want Scotland and Stratford-on-Avon and Switzerland. I want Italy and Iceland and Iowa. I want the Springfield’s – all of them! They say that we are only six people away from everyone on Earth. Okay, Universe, put me six people to Thailand. My father is on his way to Bangkok right now. I think it would be a hoot if I got there (virtually), first. Send me your little red dots, Universe. I’m ready for the challenge. Go.


Unknown said...

Man, I need a amphibious one...

Trish said...

Okay, that could work. I will give you that. And it would be nice to travel to Greece in our amphibious motorhome because we would have the conveniences of home right in our vehicle. Still, I know this "Six Degrees of Un-Separation" Project will work! I just KNOW it. I am believing in this Universal Project Push. I mean, someone has to know someone in England, right? And someone in England must know someone in, say, Spain. And that thrilling Spaniard must know someone in, say, Turkey. This will work. I just know it will. AND BIG SHOUT OUT TO YOU, CANADA! Thanks for playing!

Trish said...

As long as I'm shouting out,
THANKS TO (what appears to be)

(I can't quite tell.... could be NEW JERSEY or CONNECTICUT)
(possibly PENNSYLVANIA depending on what side of the state)

I am feeling very good about us getting Japan soon. You know, this really is a fairly eeeeeeasy thing for an amazing Universe to accomplish. So, come on, Universe. BRING IT ON! Yee-ha!

Anonymous said...

Trish, I'm in CT. Could be me.

Cheryl Houston said...

omg! I'm such an idiot. I kept saying to my computer screen, "How do I put my dot on there? I want my dot on there!" Hit the back button, read for instruction. Click on map. Finally! I read the page. I'm already on the map! It does it for you. Yay me! :sigh:

Trish, today in lovely Dallas, Texas you are experiencing hot tempatures with the threat of thunder showers. What should we do? Go to the Ranger's game and drink beer? Go to Six Flag's and ride all the coasters? Or, we could just find any ol' patio and sit and drink margaritas for the rest of the afternoon. You pick.

Jamie said...

Oregon is me...that is funny that it just puts a person on the map. I have been coming to your site for a couple of weeks...very fun! FYI, I am also a working mom...I have 5 kids 15, 14, 10 and 8 year old twins. Very fun. Just got back from a road trip to see my family in California.

Trish said...

No contest. The margheritas. There's a place near me that makes mango margheritas. They are golden goblets of heaven. If it's sweet and frothy, I want in. Besides, I'm more of a hang out on the patio and gab kind of girl. However, the truth is that I'm easily swayed, so if you wanted to go to the game, I'd happily tag along. Bottom line: it's warm in Dallas. In contrast,Chicago has had a recent heatwave and broken through into the 40's. ANYTHING in Dallas is better than this. Heck, I'd wash and wax your car by hand just to feel the warmth of the sun again!

You WORK, have FIVE CHILDREN, and two of the children are TWINS?? My jaw just hit the table! I will never (and by this I mean "not in the next five minutes") complain about my schedule again. You have my complete and utter respect. If there isn't already a "Jamie Day" in Oregon, then there SHOULD BE. How do you do it??

Jamie said...

I definitely can't complain about my life or I should say I have no legitimate complaints about my life - I do complain...but I shouldn't...My kids are FANTASTIC!! And so fun. My husband is about the greatest guy ever...cooks, cleans etc. We are very busy, but life is excellent. I live in what I am pretty sure is one of the most beautiful states in the country. And sure it rains a lot here, but it is worth it. The weather lately has been glorious! Or splendid - to use a Jennsylvania term - 60 and crystal clear with bright blue skies.

Robin said...

I bring you a dot from Missouri, I wish it was from somewhere more exotic.

I have one dot from the middle of China, but so far none from Australia. Go you!

Lisa Parisi said...

Thanks to your husband, who I follow in twitter, I am here with a dot for NY. Enjoy and feel better.