Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm So Vain...I Probably Think This Post is About Me.

To Bare Minerals or not to Bare Minerals, that is the question. Whether ‘tis better for the skin to suffer the slings and arrows of liquid and compact powder make-up or to spend $60 on a Bare Minerals Starter Kit, is the question with which I now wrestle. Here’s why:

There’s this coworker who has GORGEOUS, FLAWLESS skin that GLISTENS with a RADIOUSNESS that is ETHEREAL, and I am all a-shiver with desire for similar skin texture. She uses Bare Minerals. (I know this because I stalked her until she was alone, cornered her, and made her reveal the secret of her make up regime before I would allow her access to the office coffee maker. Hmmmm…I wonder if my actions have anything to do with the scurrying off the aforementioned coworker now does whenever I come in the room? Coincidence? Must think about this. Later.)

The thing is, this coworker is also about ten years younger than I, which could also account for much of her luminescence. I mean, it may be natural luminescence and have diddly to do with the Bare Minerals. This brings me to my next complaints: age and blemishes.

Sadly, the gods have withheld perfect skin from me, much like the Lost Ark was withheld from Indiana Jones. And, just as the Ark was to Doctor Jones, I picture my flawless skin packed up in a mislabeled crate somewhere in an enormous government warehouse, forever lost to me. See, I always figured once I grew out of my turbulent teens that I’d be graced with flawless skin. But that didn’t happen. Rather, I went right from pimples to wrinkles. Oh, sure, there was a small hiatus between. I think there was a Thursday in mid-April 2003 where I had neither. (Cheryl, I should have taken a picture. Another missed photo op! Sigh....) Every day before and since have been spent cruising the delicate balance between too “dewy” (as the gay make-up artist at the MAC counter who claimed to have once done an exotic dance for Carmen Electra optimistically called me) or too dry.

So, will Bare Minerals be the holy grail? Should I attempt Botox? Should I do both?? The mother-in-law of someone I know Botox-ed and a nerve to her eye-lid was FROZEN—for almost THREE MONTHS her eye lid drooped. Is this a chance I am willing to take? What about a skin peel? Oh—the decisions! I, like Hamlet, am torn with indecision. Suggestions, as always, are welcome.


Unknown said...

'Tis better to have botoxed and lost, than never to have botoxed at all."

Trish said...

Very good point, Kuj! I wonder, can we do this TOGETHER? I mean, maybe we can get a group discount. I've only heard the ONE Botox horror story. That seems to put the odds in our favor. Have YOU heard any Botox Blunders? Should we do any research before taking the Botox Plunge?? Are there any Botox fatalities, for instance?

Cheryl Houston said...

Damned the missed photo op of perfect skin. I too think I had one good day. It was probably in 1993 or someday way back like that. Bare Minerals, Botox, Chemical Peels, Dermabrasion... so many choices. Can I get in on that group Botox deal? I haven't heard any horror stories (until now)but I have heard it hurts like HELL!

Michelle K. said...

Trish, you seem to be stressing over wheather or not to have a skin peel. I don't think it's as big of a deal as you're making it in you mind. I went to a derma-spa and had an acid peel once or twice. It's AHAs and other acid choices that are derived from fruit acids. It's like what's in cosmetics only stronger concentrations. It peels your skin kind of like a bad sunburn would. Perhaps there is something stronger that is a "chemical" peel but you should find a good dermatologist or derma-spa and get the real lowdown. They've got all kinds of non-evasive options these days. I like dermabrasion and have found the Neutragena over-the-counter kit to be quite good.

Trish said...


There is no way to reach you to get further inquiry into the acid peel. If you DO see this post, could you elaborate on a few things:

1. Any pain involved in the peel?
2. Could you wear makeup the next day or were you too..raw?
3. I am assuming there is redness involved after the peel. How long did that last? (I'm a red head. Sensitive skin and all that....)
4. Any particular places you would recommend?