Thursday, March 27, 2008

Confessions of an Addict

Me (surfing for spring shoe fashions):

Paris Hilton has a line of shoes?? Of all the ridiculousness. People should boycott her line just on principle. I mean, really? The message she sends to the youth of Ameri-- Oh, those are cuuuuuuuuuute! And cheaaaaaaaap! You go, Paris!


Anonymous said...

This is hilarious!
Oh, I just thought of something. I hate shoes. Can you still take the book from me, I mean, just based on principle?
I respect people who do like shoes, because they look so fashionable. I buy a pair and pray they stay together for 2 or if I'm lucky 3 years before I have to buy a new pair.
I hope we can still be friends.

Trish said...

Karla with a K,

Though I have an almost crippling--virtually dangerous to myself, you may want to detour around DSW if you have me in the car and suddenly go into labor-- shoe fetish, I am not a shoe pusher. You won't see me pushing Baby Reebok booties on the kiddies at the playground.

Also, I have a policy against judging people by their footwear. I remember missing out on the Kangaroo fad of '86 and the pain it brought me. I could never put someone else through that kind of fashion trend torture. In fact, I sort of respect people who can walk through DSW without jumping up and down while squealing and pointing at the latest Madden or Kors. Fear not, Karla, we can definitely still be friends.

...I must note, however, that "hate" is such a strong word. I must ask: Did you meet with a foot fashion tragedy early in life, as well? Ahhhhhh...those scars (blisters?)never quite heal, do they?