Sunday, March 23, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Preschoolers

What does it mean when your three year old says, "Mommy, I love you to pieces!" and then follows it up with, "Of course, the pieces are kind of big...."


Shannon Denna said...

Too funny...I love the new pictures. Is that a snow bunny? or is the snowman raising his hand in surrender? Hope you had a good Easter!

Cheryl Houston said...

It means he loves ALL of you! Too Sweet!

here's a funny note for you: We discovered that one of my favorite restaurants in my home town was closed after driving up to the little shack. I said "Those (spelling) b-a-s-t-a-r-d-s!" (Well they have really good food.) My 6 year old Kindergartner waits about 10 seconds and says, "Bastards?"

I can't even spell the big bad words!

Unknown said...

Trish, I've LOOKED at the photos, OKAY?!? So help me, if you text me another 5 message rant, I'll come down and get someone who KNOWS how to do it to leave a burnout in your driveway!

Re: Noah, Full-grown linebacker; just add water.

Trish said...


If someone ANSWERED her texts, I wouldn't have to send a five text rant, would I? Methinks the Kuj is projecting....

Love you, Kuj!

Trish said...


Oh NO. No, no, no. I learned with the first child that getting them to walk is highly over-rated. (That's why whenever my youngest tries to stand, I gently nudge him over; I want to prolong the running/pulling all the toilet paper off the roll/dragging all the books off the bookshelf phase as long as possible.) Clearly, I will now need to keep them from being literate, too! Spelling is the only form of communication left to my husband and me.... What will we do when the kids can read? Clearly, I need to learn Morris Code because I'm sure the kids will break the pig-latin code in no time. :) By the way,you are SO IN on the group Botox discount!

Unknown said...

Hold up...about the Botox thing. It'll make me look like a white Halle Berry, right?

Cheryl Houston said...

Oh! Too funny about the Halle Barry thing because I tried to cut my hair like hers one time when she had super short... I'm not black. Not even close. My hair is fine and straight!!! Needless to say, I did NOT look like a white Halle Barry! I looked more like a sick porcupine. You know everyone around me was saying, "Bless her heart."

Amy said...

Trish -- love your blog. And to answer your comment on my blog, I actually DO live in Chicago!

katina said...

Hey, found your blog through Amy's...

What ever happened to the conclusion of "10 secrets about post-partum"?

Trish said...


I have been WAITING for someone to ask that question! I started thinking no one cared about the postpartum mommy (which is a sad, sad thing because postpartum mommies need all the caring they can get), and have been holding out on the last three postpartum surprises as a sort of experiment... and I got a little lazy. Want the last three? Better yet, what was the number one biggest postpartum surprise you encountered? I'm interested to hear what YOU experienced.

You don't like mango? Huh. I always thought they were pretty good. Papaya is absoltuely dreadful, though--like a sweat sock dipped in kiwi juice. (shudder.) Blech.