Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What Do YOU Want?

Hey, as long as we're looking for Universal assistance in the Race for the Congo, why don't you contribute what you'd like the Universe to help YOU achieve.

Laugh if you will, but my friend Kristy SWEARS by this! I was skeptical at first, but when Kristy told me she was going to ask the Universe to bring her an offer to act in a film and she got a film offer within four days, I must say I was a bit swayed. She hadn't even auditioned for the film.

All you have to do is throw out your request. We'll see how long it takes. Consider this an experiment. You've got nothing to lose, right? You can post anonymously if you'd like. Just get the thought out there.

Universe, I'd really like... _____(fill in the blank)_______.


Trish said...

You know you are checking this comment out because you WANT to write something but are embarassed to admit you want something.

Fine, I'll start.

I want:

1. the perfect wood replacement bay windows installed for under $4000 (my current favorite brand is Loewen, a Canadian company)

2. my 10 month old to go to sleep easily and stay asleep the whole night.

3. a massage and pedicure (my old pedi has seen better days)

4. the dog vomit stain on my jute rug to magically disappear

5. my children to always say, "Mommy, I love you," as often as they do now. (Well, the 10 month old says it with his eyes, but lately the 4 year old very liberally dishes out the love!)

6. someone in Africa to read my blog

7. ultimately, it would be nice if hundreds of people read my blog and posted comments! I'd like to know people are smiling out there and having a good time when they read my blog.

8. ooooooooh, all of my credit card and school loan debt to magically disappear (along with that dog vomit stain)!

9. time to relax by the pool and read on my own for a few hours.

10. to reconnect with old friends I've been too busy to reconnect with.

11. to sleep in and get breakfast in bed!

12. flawless skin

13. to speak Italian

14. an all expense paid trip for two to England, France, Italy....

15. to have a garage sale...without the effort

16. to organize my closets, laundry room, and garage

17. to completely forget about old hurts and/or forgive them without them popping up and niggling at me ever again.

18. to walk into a restaurant; whip the table cloth off, leaving all of the dinnerware intact; and run out!

19. to laugh so hard while drinking something that I accidentally spray someone with my drink...then spray them again ON PURPOSE(I borrowed this one from Ben.)

20. a romantic evening with my husband: dinner, maybe a walk, maybe a boat ride, no mosquitoes, candle light, music, time to talk over all the things we are so grateful for, slow dancing (so I don't sweat/look like I have some sort of neurological disorder), warm breezes....

Unknown said...

Universe I want:

1. My wife to have all of the things that she wants.

2. Time to get the garage, basement, office, and bedroom cleaned out and setup as we would like.

3. To actually find geocaches easily,

4. To spend more time with my wife and family.

5. To spend time "alone" with my wife.

6. To continue to stay focused on getting back into shape.

7. To be free of any financial worries or challenges.

7. The world to stop all of the commercialism and petty squabbling and focus on something grand...

I am sure I will have more, but I don't want to overwhelm the Universe...

Trish said...


Whoa. GOOD ONES! :)

Cheryl Houston said...

Dear Universe,

All I want is to win tomorrow night's Texas Mega Million Lottery. (Then I won't have to ask you for a new sprinkler system, the new sodded st. augustine grass for my lawn, convert my pool to a salt water pool, a new ac unit, new furniture for my whole house, a remodeled bathroom in the main bathroom, a new car, a vacation for me alone, a vacation for me and my boys together, more time to spend with my boys because I'll be able to stop working, a new computer, a grill, some seriously cool powertools, New TV's, an outside speaker system and I'll be able to take care of those closest to me.)

Is that too much to ask? One lottery?

Of course, I know I have all I need as far as material items go so I would also like to ask for continued good health for me and my whole family, to be able to always have a job, and an over-abundant amount of happiness.

Trish said...


THAT? Was a seriously good request. You did BUY the lottery ticket, didn't you?

Cheryl Houston said...

I'll buy the ticket tonight. I have to give the Universe time to get the numbers, don't you think?

Unknown said...

I was going to be the first comment but decided instead to dwell on my want.

Dear Universe, I'm a big fan of your work. I'd really like my mostly naked, gas-bag roommate to buy a new couch to replace the one he favors whenever lounging while performing his "sweet sphincter sonatas", should he ever move out.

I will be so sad on that day. couch!

(What? You thought it would be something other than fart-related?)

I'd also like to live forever, perpetually at age 36.

Anonymous said...

DUDE!!! What does it mean that after typing my comment out (so it was a little long) that it magically vanished with a "ding" as Explorer closed? JUST as I was 'publishing comment'.


Universe: ditto to what I already typed. It must be in cyberspace somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I give into comment two:
Universe , I want my window installment to go swiftly, easily, with no necessary nor additional clean up by me once the workers leave. Furthermore, the finished job should be perfect and done in one day, and the currentn window treatments will still fit after the window change. And staining the trim will be easily and neat/clean/accident-free.

[Trish, note: Anderson by Renewal windows, top of the line, but also a tax write off for the year. Currently they have a teenie-tinnee rebate. Still, my entire house is getting new windows, so I will not spend another cent for another month or so...who needs to eat? I see my dog munch beetles at dusk; they must have protein....]

Trish said...


I read your most recent post. Clearly, another motorcycle is desired, not just another couch. Though if MY roommate were as "poofy" as yours, I, too, would be desirous of a new sofa on which to rest my head and, more importantly, my nose.

Cheryl Houston said...

Okay, the Universe did not deliver on Friday.

I gave this a lot of thought on my 6 hour drive home yesterday. Either 1) I can't give the universe a deadline or 2) maybe I need to get the numbers first and then ask the universe...

I'm going to go with #2. There's another drawing tomorrow night.

Trish said...


I was wondering what happened! Okay, go with #2. I'm going to ask the Universe (Again, Universe, I'm a BIG FAN!)to give you the right numbers, too. Maybe the more people in on this, the better.

Again, this SO worked for Kristy. It has even worked for her multiple times! When I asked her for proof, she listed at least four specific times that the Universe came through for her. By far the best one was when she was moving in with a boyfriend. She was unsure of whether moving in with him was the right thing to do. (He was a little on the needy side.) So, she sends out a message to the Universe asking for a sign. She specifically asked that the sign be OBVIOUS, so she would absolutely know whether this was the right move for them. They were signing the lease a week later....

...The next day the boyfriend says they should get a pet together. New apartment, new pet. He was partial to cats. So, they go get a cat together. Kristy thinks, "This must be it. This is the sign. A cat." Kristy wasn't a big cat fan, but she didn't want to judge the Universe's mammal preference. She also thought that the Universe could have been a little clearer than a cat, but, again, she didn't feel she ought to judge.

The NIGHT BEFORE THEY SIGN THE LEASE her boyfriend doesn't meet her after work, as pre-arranged, to go for drinks with her friends. She waits and waits and waits. Then, she heads over to his boxed up apartment and FINDS HIM MAKING OUT WITH HER FRIEND ON THE COUCH. Kristy's first words: Oh, THIS is the sign! Very, very obvious, Universe. Thanks.

They didn't move in together.

It took the Universe almost a week, though. Maybe it takes a little while to for the Universe to line everything up?

Cheryl Houston said...

Dear Universe,

You are wise in your own way that I will surely never understand. I was most disappointed when you did not deliver me the lottery. And, I never did go by another ticekt and give you the numbers.

But today I went to sign the new gas lease for simply owning my house and thank you for the $8,300+ money plus royalties. No, it's not the lottery but it is a nice way to start pecking away at my list. I am most appreciable. (is that a word?)

PS. Thank you for eventually smacking Kristy on the side of a head with an obvious sign that her guy was not the one but don't you think you were calling it a little close? Is this one of those things I should not question?

Cheryl Houston said...


Universe, I really want to win the Highlowaha Decathlon, too. I'm doing pretty well on my own but if you could just be in my cheering section to push me over the finish line, I would appreciate the boost. Thanks in advance.