Monday, July 21, 2008

Strollers. Suck.

Here’s why: Some freak decided strollers should mirror the pre-gas crisis SUV’s (the really, really big ones), and loaded up strollers with all sorts of extras. Extras no rational human should ever need. For example, no stroller should need four cup holders, a GPS system, off road wheels, airbags, and a compass. If you find yourself seriously contemplating these stroller options, let me remind you that you have an INFANT. Infants should not be hauled via stroller into the tundra. Remember Meryl Streep’s plaintive cry, “The dingo ate my baby!” She probably had a tripped out stroller, and look what happened to her.

The problem with these stroller extras is that they add weight and bulk. For someone who is…muscularly challenged, shall we say (I’m a wimp. I can admit it. Don’t judge me.)…these pimped out strollers are beyond one’s ability to maneuver into and out of a vehicle. Okay, one CAN get these beasts in and out of a car, but moving them usually results in pain to some area of the body. Bruises, broken nails, smashed shins are the norm.

Why do we keep using these monstrosities? Simple. We don’t know any better when we are with child and register for strollers similar to what our friends have. Our “friends” don’t mention that their Peg Perego, Evenflow, or Graco weighs a thousand pounds because they don’t want to be the only parent suffering from bruises, broken nails, and smashed shins. (Misery loves company.) Once we are the owners of these heavy, hulking masses of reinforced steel, off road tires, and all-weather nylon, we are too embarrassed to tell the giver of the expensive stroller that their generous gift is impractical for hauling around an infant weighing approximately six pounds. Further, as parents we associate bigger and accessory-laden with safer. We want our children to be safe, so we try to buy the stroller equivalent of the Pope’s bubble car without considering the fact that we rarely, if ever, stroll with our infants through dangerous areas—and if we did, heavy strollers would just slow us down and make us easy targets.

Fact: sleep deprived new mothers rarely do anything more than go to the grocery store. You can find these baggy-eyed wraiths haunting the diaper aisle, barely conscious, virtually asleep on their feet. Even if luck and genetics is on the mother’s side and she ends up bouncing back from her delivery with barely a hiccup to find that her infant sleeps through the night starting the very first week (which is probably what happens to Angelina Jolie because she gets everything else…not that I’m bitter), it will be rare that she takes her tiny bundle of DNA on more than a slow saunter around the zoo. Tripped out strollers, even at the zoo, are not necessary. First, most zoos even rent special strollers on site. Second, in the event of an escaped tiger, a bulky stroller would simulate a wounded gazelle, and then where will you be? Right back to “the dingo ate my baby,” that’s where. Clearly, big strollers are liabilities on all fronts.

I struggled with my gargantuan Range Rover of strollers through two children. Then, last week, I lost it. Not the stroller, my patience. I’d received one bruise too many and had an apoplectic fit in the parking lot of Target. That’s when I stalked into Target and bought a cheap-o umbrella stroller. No frills. Just a seat. Weighs about 3 pounds. I could bench press this thing using just my pinkies. Hands down, this is the best sixteen dollar purchase ever.

If you ever hear of a dingo escaped from a zoo located in a dangerous area, that woman with the small stroller running in front of all the bulky stroller moms? That’s me.


katina said...

this is why, when you go hunting/hiking/backpacking, it does not matter if you have the necessary bear mace, bells, whistles, whatever. It only matters that you run faster than whomever you're with.

Unknown said...

Katina states Rule #1 in the "Single Person's Survival Handbook," whether you are in a mall or the Serengeti.

BTW, Trish, I just needed you to know that the mall here in the EC has a HOSPITAL-SPONSORED playground that we more observant refer to as "The Petri Dish."

Anonymous said...

I'm posting anonymously because I work for one of those companies that shills giganto strollers. Cheapo umbrella. So. worth. it.

It's kind of funny because I totally fell into this trap because I have to - I almost convinced a friend to buy a Bumbleride because they're cute. Not practical. Just cute. Really, the only reason to buy a giant jogger is if you really do intend to run a marathon.

That said, there are plenty of companies coming out with light-weight AND full-featured strollers that accept infant car seats. The Japanese brand Combi is such a company and Inglesina has a one-handed folder. And of course, there's always Maclaren, the stroller the nannies go for when mom's not around to make sure baby's riding in the Bugaboo.

Anonymous said...

Trish's pinkie strenght....too true. I once got "into it" with her outside of a Target, and she wrestled me to the ground. Something about my little umbrella stroller, which my sister garbage-picked for me to have when lil'nephew-nugget came to my house, being for wussies (like thumb wrestling...according to Trish apparently). Now my sister wants 'her' stroller back, even with its foam-cushioned handle missing a large bite/chunk.
Moms are brutal.

Trish said...


I thought I told you to never speak of that. Looks like I'm going to have to "pinky wrestle" you again. Don't MAKE me pull out my index-finger-Matrix-move on you!

Amy said...

Raising hand in guilty manner...

I have a double Valco that weighs 40 pounds. People constantly stare at it when we're out, nevermind the fact every third stroller you see on the street in Lincoln Park is a double Valco (the other two are Bugaboos, of which I also own one for use when I just take one child out -- for shame, I am a stroller whore). Add the 30-pound toddler and the 13-pound baby and ohmylord this thing is heavy.

But it's a breeze to push and we walk everywhere, so I justify my use of what I affectionately call the "Hummer of Strollers."

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more! My Maclaren Volo comes Wednesday. Can't quite lift it with pinkies but it'll hold a 4 year old and possibly outrun a tiger if I had enough Gevalia... Thanks for the stroller rant. I couldn't stop laughing.

Cheryl Houston said...

I had the stroller that you click the baby seat in and it was heavy but it worked great for the first year of my first borns life.

Then, just 12 short months and 26 days later came baby #2. Hmmm... that doesn't work anymore.

My sister handed down the double stroller that was a beast. It worked for a while but taking it to the zoo? Pushing two babies and the beast up down those "little" hills was not fun. We wouldn't have escaped a tiger attack. I would have had to choose.

I took the beast to the airport one time (boys were 3 & 16 months old) and they were going to make me check it because it was too heavy for those guys to pack it under the plane and give it back to me at my layover stop. As my children sensed my panic and started to scream, the airlines saw my fear and not so politely took pity on me.

Then, I purchased the umbrella strollers but I had two. I bought the connectors and that has it's own manuevering problems. Wide Load!

I'm pretty sure I owned another one because we (me and my toddlers) put it together in the Toys R US parking lot. I must have been desparate but I've blocked it out.

Unknown said...

I am SO lost...the only McLaren I know of sports a V12 and tops out at 240 mph.

I'm TOTALLY using you women for mommy training if I ever find myself in a family way. You should form a boot camp or something...

Anonymous said...

I just want to say I told you about that stroller when you were registering. I got a graco metro lite...I worship it. Folds with one hand and I can lift it with one arm (okay so not just pinkies I do need the entire arm) into the car.

Trish said...
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Trish said...

You told me to buy the stroller with the most cargo space. You told me I would have to haul more baby stuff than I could ever imagine. So, I bought the one with the most storage space underneath. I don't want to say purchasing this stroller is all your fault-- because that would smack of blame, and I don't do that-- but...well, it certainly does LOOK as though the purchase of the bulky stroller rests on your shoulders. I don't want to name names, but if I did, I'd be naming L.E.M.K.E.

Go ahead. Talk yourself out of this one, Lemke.

July 25, 2008 2:05 PM

Anonymous said...

DUDE...I told you that thing was HEAVY. I told you it was....but you liked it. YOU DID.