Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sappy? No Question: Yes.

But I am compelled by something outside of myself to write this.

What is it about spring that triggers the memory center of my cerebral cortex? It’s probably the physical representation of rebirth occurring in nature. The splash of new rain on my cheeks and the tip of my nose brings me back to my first kiss. (A sloppy one, apparently.) The sun warming my shoulders after a long winter reminds me of the arms of the child-men whose touch felt similarly tender. The green scent of damp earth on the breeze becomes the heady, bitter-sweet scent of first intimacy.

The rain whispers these memories back to me, and they aren’t entirely unwelcome. Like visiting with old friends, it is nice to reminisce and part ways smiling. As I head home with my window part way down and the heat still part way up, enjoying the long-awaited change in season, these memories tickle the backs of my eyelids and slip along my brows.

And as I pack them away to be unearthed in later years, I think how lucky I am to have these sweet reminders to warm my future springs. I hope we all have such beautiful memories.

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