Friday, June 13, 2008

Semi-Sweet Ain't Just for Chocolate

It's also for those who are new to stay-at-home mommyhood. I know I'll only be home with the boys for a few weeks, but now I am finding that staying home is just as hard as working...maybe even a little harder....

Bitter points to ponder: (Makes you wonder what I ponder when I’m hormonal, doesn’t it?)

#1.) I’ve been a stay-at-home mother of two boys (4 years and 9 months) for four days now and I’ve learned three things:

  • a.) The wardrobe for the working mom is MUCH cooler.
  • b.) I got to eat lunch at a leisurely pace while I was at work. I don’t get that at home.
  • c.) The guilt I had because I was working has now transferred to guilt over letting the kids cry themselves hoarse because I have found that I need to use the bathroom BY MYSELF or I can’t perform the deed. Something about being watched makes using the facilities difficult for me. Ah, clearly a case of performance anxiety. I blame my perfectionist tendencies.

Clearly, the life of a mother is stressful regardless of whether one is mothering part-time or full-time. Brilliant. (She typed in the sarcastic way that meant the situation was anything but brilliant.)

#2.) The speedometer on my 2004 Honda Civic goes up to 145 MPH. Um…WHY?? Hello, Honda makers: I think people who buy Honda Civics are pretty much comfortable with the fact that their transportation is not a high-powered performance vehicle. Just stop the charade, Honda.

#3.) When the park district posts a sign asking for parents to “volunteer” to be T-Ball coaches, it means that EVERY PARENT who drops off his/her T-Ball participant at the first practice will be greeted by a 16 year old who has “never done this before,” handed a t-shirt and baseball cap, and told to guide the kids in a jog around the bases and show them how to field ground balls or the program will die. Oh, and you’ll be paying for the experience, too. Did I mention that you will be required to sign up to bring snacks and drinks for the whole team on one of the practice days, too? You will. (eye roll)

Okay, parents of children older than mine, what else am I in for? Hang on, let me get a glass of wine. I have a feeling I’m going to need it…. Okay, go ahead. I’m only vaguely sober.


Cheryl Houston said...

Mine are 6 and 7, both boys. I think it gets easier as they get older but you just worry about different things.

I do not have enough time or enough money for my boys to participate in EVERY sport. They play soccer twice a year for 8-10 weeks... I jump for joy when it's over and I don't have to go to games every weekend. :BAD MOM: But, I get a total thrill out of watching them do well.

My situation is a little bit different. As a divorced mom, staying home isn't an option. I have to go to work. I feel guilt for not being able to go to every school party or event but that's the way it is. Part of the bad is I have to deal with an ex and we don't always agree... rolling eyes.... but on the other hand, he loves having them and they love being with their dad and I get a break every other weekend.

The battle I face with boys is deprogramming all the flatulence humor when they return. It's an ongoing battle.

And, you never know when you might need to drive 145mph. You know, like when the space aliens land and you need to get away really fast.

Who am I kidding? You're dead.

Trish said...

Okay, maybe the 145 MPH will come in handy when zombies attack? They move slower than the aliens, I hear.

katina said...

oh yay for guilt. But hey, that's why there's chocolate, right?

Unknown said...

Try the 145. Just remember to lean into the turn.