Saturday, January 3, 2009

L.L.Bean Me Over The Head Before I Do Something Stupid

This addiction I have to reality television is getting out of hand. People who care about me should perform an intervention. (And if they don’t know how to do it, there is a reality show called Intervention that would provide a good model. You see how addicted I am??)

The sooner this intervention takes place, the better because my favorite “big family” show, Jon and Kate Plus 8, has me actually considering purchasing a tent and camping out in the backyard with the boys when the weather becomes warm. Someone help me. Please.

The rational part of my brain screams that this urge is absolutely ridiculous. I am not a camper. My Michael Kors heels get stuck in the grass and my lip gloss attracts bees. But something inside me is whispering that if a family with eight young children can do it, I could do it, right? They made it look so cozy when they roasted marshmallows in their little backyard fire pit, played with glow sticks, and cuddled up in their sleeping bags. The whole episode smacked of “making family memories.”

Here’s what I see our family memories looking like: The minute a mosquito stings Scott, he will scream like a girl and run around blindly swatting at the air with his fists; I will end up getting a rash from the grass; Joshua will stay awake all night, clinging to my side and asking what each noise is; Noah will eat a great deal of sand out of the sandbox; and the raccoons that tore apart a bag of garbage last fall will eat our faces off while we sleep in revenge for depriving them of sustenance by firmly locking our garbage bins.

Still, why am I contemplating purchasing the grass-friendly Kors wedges instead of heeled sandals this summer??

Seriously, an intervention is needed. I’ll bring the wine.


Cheryl Houston said...

You should do it Trish! Camping in the back yard will be your boys life long memory- even if you do get your face eaten off by raccoons! I can just hear them now, "Remember that time we camped out in the backyard and the raccoons... (insert hysterical laughter here.)" Check the boots at the back door and go bare foot! Remember those days? Walking bare foot?

And just remember this...while I love Jon and Kate and all those multiples... I'm pretty sure the producers are helping them set that stuff up. They'll start setting the tent up but then some grip actually finishes it. Jon just runs over every now and then and they film him "getting it done." Smoke and mirrors.

Trish said...

So, what I really need, then, are some producers and grips. Where do I get those?

Trish said...


I can't post to your blog! I've tried four times in the past two days!

Cheryl Houston said...

Well, I think you're 6 - 18 kids shy of contacting TLC but Kimora has her own show with just two kids so maybe you should call E!

katina said...

The husband and I camped out in the back yard once...of course that was because the cat had peed on the bed when I was changing the bed linens...

Sue G said...


Did you learn NOTHING from your sister-in-law's adventure with camping. When she told you she was going, your shrilled laughter could be heard all the way in AZ!

If sanity does not return prior to Spring, please alert me before you set up camp so that I can sound proof my home here in the Valley of the Sun.

Trish said...


I was thinking the exact same thing, which makes me wonder if there isn't something to "universal karma." Could this be the universe's way of smacking me on the wrist after making fun of Michelle's foray into the wild?

However, if I were only in my back yard, then...maybe....

Look, let's stop discussing this. Fly here and save me.

Anonymous said...

DUDE, are you kidding me? YOU? CAMPING? You are out of your freaking mind. Nothing in it sounds remotely fun. If I recall last time you were at the boat by the time we were roasting marshmallows, you guys were no where to be found. Roast the marshmallows outside and then sleep inside you house.
P.S. It is a SHOW...pretty sure they cut out the truly miserable parts....

Trish said...


You roasted marshmallows?? How did I miss that?

Sue G said...

I AM flying in on Feb 1 for a week. If you can hold off making a commitment until then...well, as super nanny would say, "Hang on, help is on the way."

If you can't get the idea out of your head, then at least tell the kids you will do it when Michael Kors makes tents.

(As a Jewish princess, I feel compelled to confess that my idea of roughing it is staying at a hotel where the don't provide bathrobes.)

Sue G