Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

The year in no particular order. Because I am hungry and the leftover lasagna is calling to me....

A scooter!! It's just what I wanted!

A baby! It's just what I wanted!

A nana! It's just what I wanted! ZZZzzzzzzzz....

A brother! It's just what we wanted!

T-Ball medal. Go Team Thunder!

Inside on a rainy day.

Finally! Lunch alone with Scott! We're DATING! (As we were walking out of the restaurant, I pointed out one of those rubberized dessert displays to Scott. "This one looks so real!" I exclaimed before sticking my finger through an actual slice of cake--on a non-rubberized, non-dessert tray that had actually been on its way to someone's table. Oops. Think he will ask me out for a second date?)

Uncle Bob is in from New York!

Glad to be home for the holidays.

Yoda Noah.

Bundled up to get a Christmas tree. (Scott doesn't shave in the winter. Neither do I! Mu-wah-ha-ha! I kid. I kid.)

A Flyer's game is just the right speed for baby Noah....

Team Thunder!

Christmas Tree Farm

Going to see dinosauers at the museum!

Mommy's elf, Noah!

Josh's gingerbread creation! (Daddy was helping.)

This snowball thing is COLD!

Great. Clothes for Christmas. Anyone have a pink bunny suit for me to put on, too??

From our family to you and yours, may 2009 bring you health and happiness! 2008, despite its challenges, had many good times. Here's to even more wonderful experiences in 2009!

(There would be even more photos from the past year inserted here, but I can't get the darn thing to work....)


Cheryl Houston said...

But Trish! Look all the ones you did get in! They're great!!!

katina said...

I was going to post something witty. but then realized it was really pretty unwitty. So I posted this instead.

Trish said...


That happens to me ALL THE TIME. Good for you for owning it. I mean that, in itself, is witty. In contrast, I usually just delete my unwittiness and walk away from the laptop feeling stupid.

OMG, I almost did that just now.

I probably should have gone with that instinct, shouldn't I?

Unknown said...

How many of those pictures were actually the ones that came with the frames?

beshomic - sounds like your SIL trying to say "balsamic" through her haze. :)

Trish said...


If you read this, please know that I am having a difficult time posting comments on your site! I have tried four times in the past two days. Arrrrrgh!