Monday, August 25, 2008

Flirting Rituals of the Adolescent

This exchange was overheard at the beginning of class today. In order to capture the adolescent in its natural habitat, I posed as a "teacher," which is something the adolescent views as a cross between a human and a house plant. The conversation is transcribed virtually word for word.

Young woman: Hi.

Young man: Hi.

YW: How was your weekend?

YM: Mmmm…okay.

YW: Mine was pretty good.

YM: Oh. Good.

YW: Hey! Did you get a haircut?

YM: No.

YW: Oh. I thought you did.

YM: No.

YW: Because your head looks…rounder today.

YM: Rounder?

YW: It looks good round.

YM: My head looks rounder??

YW: In a good way!

YM: Oh…thanks.

YW: You’re welcome.

Geez. Why don’t they just get a room??

But seriously, don't you just adore young love? (However, I think a course in flirting may be in order or human life on this planet may come to an end.)


katina said...

Ah, high school. I still remember when I was a junior and I went to a movie with one of my friends. When we came out of the movie, there was a piece of notebook paper under my windshield that had "You will die at the stroke of midnight. Ha ha, I said stroke." on it.

It totally creeped me out...and not because of the masturbatory sense of it as much as because someone had threatened to kill me.

Of course I found out 2 days later it was one of my friends.

Unknown said...

When the, guy I had my eye on in high school did a 720-degree spin in a snow-covered alley in his Toyota van (on purpose), I must have known somehow it was the beginning of the end...

I'll omit mentioning the note I still have from H.S. listing the 400 people/places/things I hearted.