Friday, February 12, 2010

Wedding Tales

I very much enjoy wedding receptions: I get to meet new people while I drink. What’s not to love? Occasionally, a story I overhear has legs and travels with me even after the wine wears off.

This is one.

The speaker: Dimitrius, who is in charge of creating his son Tyler’s design cuts. (Don’t know what a design cut is? Check out the photo. It’s a work of art in a haircut.)

Demitrius: “…so he asks me to carve a new design. He’s a freshman in high school, and he wants to look cool. I’m his dad, so I’m going to do whatever I can to help, right? Well, this time he wants something new: words. I figure I can do that. It’s got to be easier than some of the other designs he’s had me create. He tells me what he wants: Guy Swag. I think, 'These kids with their slang,' and start cutting.

About a half hour later, my daughter asks Tyler, 'What is Guy Swag?' Tyler runs to the bathroom, takes one look in the mirror and screams, 'DAD, what have you done??'

I tell him I gave him the cut he asked for. 'No, no, no! I wanted GOT swag! You know, like the milk commercial: Got milk? Got swag, as in, got a swagger?? Swagger, as in, a cool way to walk. What does Guy Swag even mean?? And it sort of looks like Gay Swag! I won’t be able to go to school!'

I explain to Tyler that this? Right here? Is why he needs to work on his enunciation...."


Cheryl Houston said...

LOL right here at my desk!

Getting really strange looks.

I tell them, "It's a blog thing. You wouldn't understand."

HA! HA! Tears. Poor guy.

katina said...
