Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Dirty Little Secret

I dread going to the dentist. Dread. It. Not because of the cleanings. Not because of the occasional cavity. Not even because of the Novocain shots. I dread the confession time. I cringe when the dentist looks at me over those enormous goggles and asks, “How often do you floss?” because I have a dirty little secret: I don’t. Ever.

I know, I know—you are recoiling in horror. So did one of my coworkers. For some, flossing is as important a part of their daily hygiene as bathing. The thought of going a day without flossing causes these people to gag and claw at their throats. However, I was somehow born without the flossing gene. One of my parents must be missing that rung of the DNA ladder.

So, I skip it.

Which is why I have two little cavities between my teeth.

Now that I know my dentist and I are going to be spending some quality time together in a couple of weeks, I have been thinking about other cool procedures he could perform on my soon-to-be-anesthetized mouth, and I have hit upon a potential prospect: Zoom Whitening. I have been fascinated with this bleaching technique ever since Jon and Kate of Jon and Kate Plus Eight had their teeth whitened. I mean, I drink a lot of coffee, but even my coffee intake cannot compare to what the parents of eight children consume. Their teeth looked fabulous after the bleaching. Like rows of tiny dominoes. (By the way, the dentist who volunteered to do that? Genius marketing move on her part. I bet her Zoom Whitening client base tripled after that episode.) Besides, I hear that whitening one’s teeth makes one look younger. I want to see if this is true…not for myself, of course. I am doing this as an experiment for my blog readers. Because I am a giver.

Cross your fingers for me!


Cheryl Houston said...

I hate going to the dentist, too. My friend Claudia and I were just dicussing this same issue over the weekend.

Being a mother of two boys that are only a year apart, my response to the flossing question is this: "Everyday? Are you kidding me? I'm lucky to get my teeth brushed twice day some days!"

Well, just floss the ones you want to keep. Teeth are clearly a flaw in our human design! We need one more pair or permanent or something.

Amy said...

I also hate flossing. I "forget" more than I remember.

But Zoom Whitening is going to be my "done being pregnant and breastfeeding for the last three years" gift to myself in January. I am so excited.

Of course the husband told me to just use Whitestrips and save the money. He doesn't get the instant gratification from Zoom!

Arjun said...

Hey mrs. weidig!

New blog now:

Gonna be more random and more "Me" dare i say :)

Anonymous said...

OMG - I hate the dentist too. And I NEVER EVER floss. I had no idea Trish. Are you REALLY whitening your teeth? I heard that it causes sensitivity issues.

Trish said...

It causes sensitivity issues?? What?? Like, I am going to cry easily or become a heartless beast? (Kidding. I know what you meant. I heard they can coat the gums with a substance that minimizes the sensitivity.)

Still, why is it that every time I find a good idea, some strange side effect freaks me out? This? Is why I chickened out for Botox. And waxing. And lymph draining massages. And getting my ears pierced.

You know, I was kind of considering a chemical peel, too. What's the scoop on those puppies?