Sunday, January 11, 2009

"What. Are. You. Doing. Trish?"

Got a Wii Fit?

We do. This device, something like a cross between a talking bathroom scale and a balance board hooks up to the television and provides routines meant to improve balance, conditioning, and muscle strength. It's a clever idea.


It begins by giving you a fitness test. After putting you through a few simple exercises and taking your height and weight, the perky little program announces your "Real Age."

And it LIES.

I mean, there is no way that my fitness level, scant though it may be, puts me at the same level as someone 30 years my senior. Unless that person is Clint Eastwood or something.

Worse, that little bucket of bolts talks about you behind your back! It started asking me questions about Scott:

"Hello, Trish. Have you noticed any changes in Scott's appearance lately?"

"Trish, Scott hasn't done any fitness work in the past four days. Where is he?"

"Trish, would you consider your marriage to Scott as being strong?"

"You know, Trish, Scott may not be good enough for you. You know what they say, once you go digital, you never go back."

The creepy little bugger reminds me of the Hal 9000. (shiver.)

Ever read Epicac, by Kurt Vonnegut? I think we have something similar going on here. Where are my wire cutters??


Sue G said...

And, yet, you still hit the power button so it comes on.

katina said...

Maybe when she presses the power button it says "I'm sorry Trish, but I can't let you do that."

Unknown said...

Let me know if you go on that trippy voyage with all the lights and swirly colors. It may be time for me to pick one up...

Trish said...

Sue, how can I continue to complain when you throw things like LOGIC at me??

Sue G said...

Trish, you should never let a little thing like logic keep you from complaining!!!! Just let it keep you from exercising. Works for me.